Family Lawyers Above The Rest
Meet a trio of female, family law attorneys – Lisa Duke, Heather Tessmer and Aida Rojas – who share a common goal: helping families navigate through crisis and defending children from vulnerable circumstances.
For Lisa Duke, owner of Lisa Duke Law PLLC, what she enjoys the most about family law is connecting with her clients. “They are often going through a difficult time, and there’s a lot of emotions involved,” she said, “so I like to sit down with my clients to figure out how best to help them through those times and how to get them the best results.”
As for Heather Tessmer, owner of Tessmer Law Firm PLLC, as cliché as it might sound, she truly does like helping people. “It’s really a good feeling when someone comes to us in a crisis and being able to untangle their problem,” she said. “In family law, nothing is ever really won, but we like being able to come to a resolution that is acceptable to all parties.”
Aida Rojas, owner and founder of Rojas Law Firm PLLC, enjoys working on behalf of children as an advocacy attorney in Bexar County. “I am appointed by judges and other colleagues in the field to represent these children or to assist the court with issues dealing with custody, assault or sexual violence against children,” she said. “I find it to be my duty to protect these children and do the best I can to help them find a good home.”