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5 Tips for Finding Experienced Immigration Lawyers

By Immigration law

5 Tips for Finding Experienced Immigration Lawyers

The immigration process requires a lot of paperwork, and you might feel confused or even overwhelmed at times. That is the point at which you’ll want some help with all the documentation. Many people hire immigration lawyers because they feel that the documents are too difficult to fill and small errors can lead to big problems. It’s great if you think you can manage all the official procedure. However, if you are finding it difficult to file the papers yourself, you should contact a good immigration lawyer. Here are some tips on how to find a good immigration attorney.


Talk to your friends or family members if they know a good immigration lawyer. If they completed the process successfully, there are chances an expert guided them. Ask them about the expert they talked to, as this is the best way to find a good immigration lawyer. However, if you don’t have any friends to help you out, you can consider online reviews, which will help you find a trusted lawyer.


If you find an attorney through the American Immigration Lawyers Association website, you can rest assured that they know all the concepts of immigration and can help you out. If you have a few lawyers in mind, you can look them up and see if they are members of AILA or not. While it’s not mandatory to be an AILA member to become a practicing immigration lawyer, membership in this elite club shows that a particular attorney is skilled and capable of handling your case.


While high prices will naturally push you away, make sure you don’t fall into the trap of the lowest bidder. Keep in mind that you will get what you’re paying for, and if you go for the lawyer with the lowest rate, they might not be competent enough to handle your case. That does not mean, however, that you should take your business to the highest bidder. Just find a good lawyer within your budget.


A lawyer who has an experience of 10 years would know more than a newcomer. When you talk to the lawyer, make sure you ask them about their experience. However, experience cannot always measure competence. While there might be a lawyer with 25 years of experience, another lawyer with 12 years of experience might be better than him. But as a general rule, it’s always best to hire a lawyer who has at least some years of experience.


How often is your lawyer available to you? If you’re paying them, you deserve some of their time. If they don’t consider your case outside of their allocated hours to you, you need to find a lawyer who takes you seriously. Immigration involves a complex set of laws and this is why you must have a lawyer who actively communicates with you. When there is clear communication between both parties, there is a better understanding, and thus, there are fewer chances of errors in documentation.


With these five pointers, you will be able to find the best attorney for your case. When you have picked out some lawyers, make sure you talk to them on the phone to see how they respond. And based on your phone conversation, you can pick the best and meet them.

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Personal Injury

How to File a Personal Injury Lawsuit and What to Expect for Compensation

By Personal Injury law
Personal Injury

A car accident can change your life in an instant. One moment you’re driving to work or to your child’s ball game and the next you’re severely injured and taking a ride in an ambulance. You could even end up with permanent injuries. You don’t know when or if you will return to work, how you will pay your bills, or how to adjust to your new standard of living. At a time like this, it only seems right that the driver responsible for your injuries should compensate you for them.

Steps Involved in a Personal Injury Lawsuit

The first thing you need to do to get the process started is meet with a personal injury attorney to discuss your car accident case. If you decide the law firm is a good fit, the next step is for your lawyer to send letters of representation to the insurance company of the at-fault driver and your own insurance company. When your complete treatment or reach maximum medical improvement (MMI), your attorney should request copies of your medical records, lost wages, and any details pertaining to your case.

After obtaining your records, your lawyer sends certified copies to the at-fault driver’s insurance company to begin the negotiation process. It’s very common for insurance agents to make a low initial offer to see how serious you are about fighting for your right to fair compensation. Your personal injury lawyer will go back and forth with the insurance agent to try to obtain a settlement. If the two sides can’t agree, then your case will go to court.

What Compensation Can You Expect from a Successful Personal Injury Lawsuit?

The following are common forms of compensation in car accident cases. You may not receive all of them.

Reimbursement for medical expenses: This includes all initial costs in treating your injuries as well as anticipated future costs. Medical expenses cover your doctor’s care, hospital fees, surgery, physical therapy, medication, cost to make your home handicapped accessible if applicable, and many others.

Payment for lost wages: This category is more complicated than it may initially seem. You could be eligible for dollar for dollar payments of the time you missed due to your injuries as well as additional time you need to recover. Some injured people are never able to return to work or can no longer complete the same job duties. This forces them to take a cut in pay. If either is true in your situation, your settlement will reflect that.

Property damage: You may be eligible for reimbursement for damage to your vehicle and anything inside your vehicle, such as a computer you used for work.

Pain and suffering: This category is much more subjective than the others. It puts a dollar value on the extent of the pain and suffering you deal with as a direct result of the accident. This can include ongoing physical pain as well as emotional distress. It’s common for people involved in serious accidents to struggle with depression, anger, and troubling flashbacks. Emotional distress may be a separate category from pain and suffering in some cases.

Loss of enjoyment: This refers to your inability to enjoy activities you participated in before the accident, such as personal hobbies.

Loss of consortium: Like pain and suffering, emotional distress, and loss of enjoyment, loss of consortium is a type of subjective compensation. It refers to the change in relationship between spouses, particularly in terms of a sexual relationship. It can also describe changes in parent and child relationships. The court normally pays this type of compensation to the family member of the injured party directly.

Punitive damages: The goal of compensatory damages is to help make you whole again after a car accident. Punitive damages are something else entirely, as they seek to punish the at-fault party for especially reckless or outrageous behavior. It also serves as a warning to others not to engage in activities that put people at risk.

Even when you’re not at fault for the accident, you’re expected to take steps to mitigate the resulting financial damages. One example of this is going to the doctor promptly before injuries get worse. The court could reduce your compensation or dismiss your lawsuit if the other party can prove you did nothing to help your cause.

Understanding Statute of Limitations and Contributory Negligence

Each state sets its own guidelines for how long an injured person has to file a lawsuit against the responsible party. Two to three years is common. Additionally, states have the power to dictate whether a person can sue if he or she shares any responsibility for the accident. In some states, you can’t sue if you’re even one percent responsible. Others require plaintiffs to share less than 50 percent of the blame while still others place no limits on contributory negligence. If you’re considering filing a personal injury lawsuit, make sure you know the laws in your state regarding both of these conditions.

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Seven Tips to Prepare for Voting in the Next Election

By Politics


Regardless of which office is up for grabs, every election is important. In fact, your voice has a greater impact in local elections than it does when it comes to voting for the more powerful positions. Whether it’s for a community leader or the president, you should prepare to be an informed voter in the same way.

  1. Don’t wait until the day before the election to learn about the big issues. An educated voter is a powerful weapon in any society. Being well informed is an ongoing task. Pay attention to the news at every level, every day. Take advantage of opportunities to attend town meetings, tune into debates and listen to what concerns other people in your world.
  2. Don’t expect to just show up on the day of the election and be allowed to vote. Find out early what the requirements for voter registration are in your municipality. You will need to register and provide proper forms of identification. You may need to prove your identity at the polling booth as well. Get the information beforehand so you’re not disappointed when you go to vote.
  3. Keep an open mind. Many candidates campaign by denigrating their opponents. This does little to help you understand where a candidate stands on the issues that matter to you. There is plenty of information available if you take time to look for it. Dig deeper than the surface mud-slinging to take your stand and make your choice.
  4. If you’re committed to a certain candidate, you may want to help on their campaign. It takes an army to get elected so there is plenty for you to do. This is also a good time to get a good, hard look into where your candidate truly stands.
  5. If you’re going to be out of town for the election, don’t worry about missing out on a chance to make your voice heard. Absentee ballots are available but, once again, there are deadlines to be met in order to be eligible. Plan ahead to get your vote counted.
  6. Make sure you know where your polling booth is located prior to the election. You can only vote at the polling location assigned to you. Also, check into the hours of operation. If you’re waiting in line at the close of business, you will still be allowed to vote. If you show up after the doors officially close, you will be turned away.
  7. Don’t assume primary elections are insignificant. If your candidate of choice doesn’t make it through the primary election, you won’t see their name on the ballot for the general election. Every election is important.


It can be easy to view the whole election process as overwhelming or to think that nothing ever changes so why bother voting. Nothing could be further from the truth. As long as elected officials must be accountable on some level, citizens will always have the final say in government. The moment power is seized by any means other than the election process, the door to anarchy or dictatorship is opened.

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Why You Should Have A Will

10 Reasons Why You Should Have a Will

By Family law

10 Reasons Why You Should Have a Will

The primary purpose of a will is to provide peace of mind for both you and your loved ones. According to some estimates, more than half of the population of the United States doesn’t have a will, emphasizing the fact that it’s a step often put off until “later” by many people. If you’re among those hesitating to prepare such a document, there are some very good reasons for having a will you should consider.


You Decide Who Gets What

Without a will, the distribution of an estate is determined by the laws of the state where you officially reside. In some cases, such laws extend access to your estate to half-siblings and some extended family members. With a will, you get to decide who gets what. You can always make adjustments as circumstances change, such as the birth of another child.

You Determine Who Gets Custody of Your Children

In a will, you can specify who gets legal custody of your children should you pass before they become of legal age. If you have no will, the courts will determine which family member gets custody.

Minimizing the Probate Process

If you die intestate, or without a will, the court will determine how your all aspects of your estate are divided, including any holdings that could produce future earnings for your family. While all estates most go through the probate process, having a will can significantly reduce the time involved to make arrangements.

Lowering Estate Taxes

Dividing your assets in advance can reduce the overall tax value of your estate. You can also lower estate taxes by specifying that part of your estate will go to charity. An estate or tax attorney can provide greater input on how to further ease this burden.

You Can Extend Your Generosity

Whether it’s in the form of giving a second home to someone special who’s not related to you or making a large charitable donation, there are many ways you can extend your generosity after your passing with a will. Some people even use a will to establish a grant for needy students or fund scientific research.

You Can Determine Your Burial Arrangements

There are many decisions that will need to be made soon after you pass, including your preferred burial arrangements. Even if family members know your wishes, there may be disagreement over some of the more delicate details. With a will, you can be as specific as you wish.


You Can Exclude Anybody

There is no requirement for you to include everyone who would otherwise be legally entitled to part of your estate in your will. You’re free to exclude individuals for whatever personal reasons you may have for doing so — and there’s usually nothing they can do about it.

Avoiding Family Disputes

Not everyone is going to see eye to eye when it comes what they feel they are entitled to receive after your passing. Minimize the risk of long-running family disputes and endless legal challenges by making it clear who gets what.

Reducing the Risk of Legal Challenges

Even with a will, there may be challenges to some of provisions and allocations you specified. Without a will, however, anybody who is legally entitled to a claim on your estate may take legal action to get what they feel is their fair share.

A Living Will Can Be Included

Many estate attorneys recommend including a living will with your will. In a living will, you’ll be able to specify what actions you want taken should you become physically or mentally incapable of making such decisions. Such a document can also make end-of-life decisions less stressful.

Most states will honor a do-it-yourself will that has been properly witnessed or notarized. Although it’s wise to work with an attorney specializing in estate planning if you complex assets. While it may not be pleasant to make some of the decisions that need to be made when preparing a will, doing so now can prevent unexpected hassles and frustrations for loved ones later.


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